Electrophysiology CINRE, hospital BORY
epCINRE / Dual AV Nodal Pathways & ECG

Dual AV Nodal Pathways & ECG

Dual atrioventricular av node physiology prevalence
10-35% of people have AV nodal duality, which means there are 2 separate pathways leading to the AV node. The fast pathway is superior, the slow pathway is inferior. The pathways are approximately 15mm apart from each other. These pathways are not located within the AV node. However, for didactic purposes, the pathways are depicted within the AV node in textbooks because it better explains AV nodal duality and AVNRT.

Koch's Triangle

  • It is a virtual triangle on the endocardium of the septum in the right atrium.
  • It serves to localize the compact (continuous) AV node.
    • The compact AV node is located at the apex of the triangle.
  • Its boundaries are formed by:
    • Anteriorly - septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve (TrCh).
    • Posteriorly - Tendon of Todaro (ToT).
      • ToT is a collagenous band that goes from the Eustachian ridge,
      • to the central fibrous body (CFB).
      • The AV node ends in CFB and continues as His into the ventricles.
    • Apex - where the septal leaflet of TrCh and ToT meet.
      • It is in the area of the central fibrous body.
      • The compact AV node is located here.
    • Base - is at the level of the lower part of the coronary sinus ostium.
Koch's triangle anatomy border
The AV node is located at the apex of Koch's triangle. Superiorly is the fast pathway, which connects to the AV node. Inferiorly to the right is the slow pathway which runs in front of the coronary sinus ostium and connects to the AV node. The pathways are at least 15mm apart.
CT - Crista terminalis, FO - Fossa ovalis, CS - Coronary sinus, EV - Eustachian valve, ER - Eustachian ridge, IVC - Inferior vena cava, AVN - Atrioventricular node, TCV - Tricuspid valve§ (Image courtesy of EDUCARE)

AV Node

  • The AV node is located in the apex of Koch's triangle.
  • The compact (continuous) AV node
    • It is 5-7mm long and 3-4mm wide.
    • Macroscopically, it cannot be distinguished from the surrounding tissue.
    • It has different electrophysiological properties than surrounding tissue.
    • It is responsible for decremental (slowing) properties,
      • Decrementality means that conduction lengthens with increasing frequency.
      • As the frequency of impulses arriving at the AV node increases,
        • the conduction time of impulses through the AV node lengthens.
    • The compact AV node thus ensures that:
      • The ventricles can "wait" in diastole for the completion of atrial systole,
      • and protects the ventricles from high frequency during atrial fibrillation.
  • The AV node has 3 "extensions" through which an impulse can enter
    • from the atria to the compact AV node.
triangle of koch apex, av node extensions: right inferior extension - slow pathway, left inferior extension - slow pathway, anterior superior extension - fast pathway
The image shows a view of the septum of the right atrium. At the apex of Koch's triangle, there is a compact AV node that has 3 extensions. 1. Superiorly, 2. Inferiorly to the right (towards the right atrium), 3. Inferiorly to the left (towards the left atrium). If an extension conducts an impulse from the atrium to the compact AV node, it is considered a pathway. Each individual has an active fast pathway, which always connects to the 1st superior extension. (Open access source: https://www.hindawi.com/jour nals/bmri/2015/547364/#copyright)

AV Nodal Pathways

  • The AV node has 3 extensions.
    • If an impulse can
    • enter the compact AV node through an extension from the atria,
    • then the extension is referred to as an AV nodal pathway.
      • AV nodal pathways are non-decremental.
      • This means that conduction through the pathways does not lengthen with increasing frequency.
    • Every AV node has at least 1 AV nodal pathway.
  • The 3 extensions of the AV node are located at specific sites:
  • The 1st extension is located in the apex of Koch's triangle.
    • If it conducts an impulse from the atria, it is called the fast pathway,
      • because it conducts the impulse most rapidly compared to other AV nodal pathways.
    • Every heart has an active fast pathway.
      • The other 2 pathways may not be active in the heart.
  • The 2nd extension is located inferiorly to the right (towards the right atrium).
    • If it conducts an impulse from the atria, it is called the slow pathway.
    • This pathway is active in 10-35% of the population.
  • The 3rd extension is located inferiorly to the left (towards the left atrium).
    • If it conducts an impulse from the atria, it is also called the slow pathway.
    • This pathway is very rarely active (1-5% of the population).
  • The term slow pathway always refers to the right-sided pathway.
    • The left-sided pathway must be specified in the text as the left-sided pathway.
  • The pathways are histologically and electrophysiologically different from surrounding tissue,
    • they are not visible macroscopically, neither are the AV node.
  • The distance between the fast and slow pathways is approximately 15mm.
  • Each pathway can conduct an impulse:
    • Anterogradely - from the atria to the ventricles
    • Retrogradely - from the ventricles to the atria
    • Bidirectionally - in both directions
Triangle of Koch, av nodal duality, slow and fast pathway
The image above depicts Koch's triangle and AV nodal duality (fast and slow pathways).
The image below illustrates Koch's triangle, the compact AV node, fast and slow pathways for didactic purposes. The slow pathway in both images is right-sided. (Image courtesy of EDUCARE)

AV Nodal Duality

  • Every individual has an anterogradely conducting fast pathway.
  • AV nodal duality means that there is an additional
    • second anterograde conducting slow pathway,
      • almost always it is a right-sided inferior slow pathway.
  • A patient has 2 anterograde pathways (fast and slow pathways)
    • These pathways may or may not conduct impulses retrogradely.
    • Usually, however, at least one conducts impulses retrogradely,
      • one pathway is therefore bidirectional.
    • AV nodal duality is present in 10-35% of the population.
    • In order for AVNRT to occur in AV nodal duality
      • one pathway must be bidirectional,
      • to allow re-entry (impulse cycling).
  • AV nodal duality is almost always associated with AVNRT.
    • However, this is not a rule,
    • for example, AVNRT does not occur if both pathways are only anterograde.
  • However, if we have a patient with paroxysmal palpitations,
    • which are often not captured on ECG or Holter monitoring,
    • and we can identify AV nodal duality on the ECG,
    • then the patient almost certainly has AVNRT.
dual av nodal pathways, fast ans slow pathways
The image depicts AV nodal duality, with 2 anterograde pathways leading into the compact node (fast and slow pathways). (Image courtesy of EDUCARE).

Conduction Velocity and ERP of AV Nodal Pathways

  • Fast Pathway
    • It is always present.
    • Located at the apex of Koch's triangle (superiorly)
    • Has high conduction velocity,
      • It conducts the impulse in approximately 100 ms, where 100 ms represents:
        • from the impulse entering the fast pathway - to the activation of the His bundle,
        • this includes conduction through the compact AV node.
    • Has long effective refractory period (ERP) approximately 380 ms
      • 380 ms is the time required for the pathway to recover after the previous depolarization.
      • Thus, it needs at least 380 ms to recover to conduct the next impulse.
  • Slow Pathway
    • Present in 10-35% of the population
      • The term slow pathway always refers to right-sided slow pathway.
    • Located at the base of Koch's triangle (inferiorly)
    • Has low conduction velocity,
      • It conducts the impulse in approximately 200 ms
    • Has short ERP approximately 280 ms
      • recovers quickly (280 ms) after the previous depolarization/impulse.
  • If AV nodal duality is present,
    • Then the difference in conduction velocity is >50 ms.
    • We observe this on the PQ interval in EKG, for example:
      • With fast pathway, PQ is 130ms
      • With slow pathway, PQ is 220ms (>50ms)
    • PQ interval begins when the impulse leaves the SA node
      • and then progresses through the atria and enters the fast pathway after approximately 30-50 ms
      • so the length of PQ is 30-50 ms + conduction time through fast pathway (approximately 100 ms)
        • or 30-50 ms + conduction time through slow pathway (approximately 200ms)
Fast and slow pathways, effective refractory period - ERP, conduction properties
Fast pathway has
  • short conduction time approximately 100ms
  • and long ERP approximately 380ms
Slow pathway has
  • long conduction time approximately 200ms
  • and short EPR approximately 280ms.

Short PQ Interval (Fast Pathway)

  • Let's assume that the patient has AV nodal duality and these parameters:
    • Fast pathway (ERP: 380ms)
    • Slow pathway (ERP: 280ms)
  • Every sinus beat with a conduction interval >380ms proceeds as follows:
    • The impulse enters both fast and slow pathways
    • It rapidly (100ms) passes through the fast pathway to the ventricles.
    • In the slow pathway, the impulse is blocked because it encounters the active fast pathway.
    • Thus, the PQ interval will be short: 160ms (4 EKG squares)
AV node fast pathway, higher ERP, normal conduction speed
ECG strip with normal PQ interval via fast AV nodal pathway

Long PQ Interval (Slow Pathway)

  • The same patient with AV nodal duality:
    • Fast pathway (ERP: 380ms)
    • Slow pathway (ERP: 280ms)
  • A atrial extrasystole with a conduction interval of 340ms proceeds as follows:
    • The impulse from the extrasystole encounters the ERP of the fast pathway where it is blocked,
      • because it arrived in the fast pathway before it had recovered from the previous impulse.
    • The impulse is then conducted slowly to the ventricles through the slow pathway (200ms).
    • This results in a sudden prolongation of the PQ interval (>50ms) on the EKG,
    • the PQ interval will be 240ms (6 EKG squares).
      • On the EKG, we see a PQ jump from 160 to 240 ms
    • If the fast pathway recovers in time and is able to conduct retrogradely,
      • the impulse enters it retrogradely and activates the atrium,
      • then enters antegradely into the slow pathway and creates reentry: AVNRT
  • An atrial extrasystole with a conduction interval of < 280ms is not conducted at all,
    • because it encounters the ERP of both the fast and slow pathways.
Premature atrial complex, coupling interval, slow pathway conduction

ECG, PQ jump after premature atrial complex with coupling interval shorter than fast pathway ERP.

Autonomic Nervous System

  • The autonomic nervous system can affect:
    • Conduction velocity and ERP of AV nodal pathways.
  • Sympathetic Nervous System:
    • Accelerates pathway conduction.
    • Shortens ERP.
  • Parasympathetic Nervous System:
    • Slows pathway conduction.
    • Prolongs ERP.
    • Increases the chance of an extrasystole "hitting" the ERP of the fast pathway.
  • During stress (sympathicotonia):
    • Heart rate increases (PP interval shortens).
    • Conduction through the AV node speeds up and ERP shortens.
    • Dekrementality manifests minimally.
    • PQ interval shortens on an EKG.
  • At rest (without sympathicotonia):
    • During atrial stimulation (during electrophysiological examination).
    • Dekrementality of the AV node is more pronounced.
    • PQ interval prolongs on an EKG.
Parasympathetic effects on the PQ interval, AV nodal duality
During the night, the parasympathetic nervous system predominates, causing a prolongation of the PQ interval on Holter EKG. For example, a patient may have a PQ interval of 170 ms during the day and 190 ms at night. In the case of AV nodal duality, a situation may arise at night where the ERP of the fast pathway lengthens to the extent that it blocks, and impulses are conducted only through the slow pathway. The PQ interval may then be, for example, 240 ms.

ECG and AV Nodal Duality

  • AV nodal duality provides the terrain for the occurrence of AVNRT.
    • It's not a rule,
    • because AVNRT does not occur if both pathways are only anterograde
    • and the pathways' ERPs must create a "gap" to prevent the impulse from hitting the ERP during reentry.
  • However, if the patient reports paroxysmal palpitations that are often difficult to capture,
    • and we observe AV nodal duality on the ECG,
    • the patient almost certainly has AVNRT.
  • AV nodal duality on ECG and Holter ECG:
    • Atrial extrasystole and PQ jump
    • Adenosine and PQ jump
    • Parasympathicotonia and PQ jump
    • Atrial fibrillation and Dual RR intervals
    • Slow-Fast AVNRT
    • Fast-Slow AVNRT
    • Ventricular extrasystole and PQ interval change
    • Pseudo-interpolated ventricular extrasystole
    • Double fire
AV nodal duality after premeture atrial complex, PQ jump from fast to slow pathway.
In the image is AV nodal duality, seen as a PQ jump from 160 to 240 ms. After an atrial extrasystole, which has a shorter coupling interval than the ERP of the fast pathway, a PQ jump occurs because the impulse is blocked in the fast pathway and conducted through the slow pathway.

Atrial Extrasystole and PQ Jump

  • If a patient has AV nodal duality, then
    • The coupling interval of the atrial extrasystole,
    • which is shorter than the ERP of the fast pathway (but longer than the ERP of the slow pathway)
    • is observed on the ECG as a PQ jump (>50ms)
      • which is a sudden prolongation of the PQ interval
    • because the atrial extrasystole conducts to the ventricles through the slow pathway.
  • These extrasystoles are best captured on a Holter ECG
    • The chance of capturing such an extrasystole with a 12-lead ECG is lower.

ECG with AV nodal duality, jump from fast to slow pathway with PQ jump.
  • The patient has AV nodal duality,
    • and the ERP of the fast pathway is 350ms.
  • Atrial extrasystole with a coupling interval (PP interval) of 330ms
    • encountered the ERP of the fast pathway and was conducted to the ventricles through the slow pathway
    • which is seen on the ECG as a PQ jump from 160ms to 240ms

Adenosine and PQ Jump

  • A low dose of adenosine (3mg i.v.) blocks the fast pathway,
    • a higher dose (>6mg i.v.) blocks both the fast and slow pathways.
  • If a patient has AV nodal duality and we are continuously monitoring the patient's ECG,
    • after administration of adenosine (3mg i.v.),
    • a PQ jump (>50ms) appears within 20 seconds,
    • if it does not appear, we can increase adenosine by 1mg every 3 minutes:
      • Up to a dose of 6mg.

adenosine as a diagnostic tool for dual atrioventricular nodal pathways
  • The patient has AV nodal duality,
    • during sinus rhythm, impulses conduct to the ventricles through the fast pathway.
  • Adenosine 3mg (i.v.) blocks the fast pathway within 20 seconds of administration.
    • impulses then start to conduct to the ventricles through the slow pathway,
    • which is observed on the ECG as a PQ jump from 160ms to 240ms

Parasympathetic Tone and PQ Jump

  • Increased parasympathetic tone prolongs the ERP of the fast pathway more than the slow pathway.
    • If a patient has AV nodal duality,
      • we may see a longer PQ interval on ECG Holter monitoring during the night.
      • or a PQ jump.
    • A PQ jump is observed during a stable sinus rhythm or after a atrial premature beat.
  • Parasympathetic tone prolongs the ERP of the fast pathway and increases the likelihood
    • that the coupling interval (impulse) of an atrial premature beat or sinus beat
    • "collides" with the ERP of the fast pathway, leading to its blockage
    • and impulse conduction to the ventricles through the slow pathway, resulting in a PQ jump.
  • Carotid sinus massage induces more intense parasympathetic tone
    • blocking the entire AV node (both slow and fast pathways).
    • It is used to terminate AV node-dependent tachycardias (AVNRT, AVRT).
    • Prior to massage, carotid plaque should be ruled out by ultrasound examination.
      • During the massage, an atherosclerotic plaque may be dislodged, causing a stroke.

Effect of parasympathetic blockade on dual pathways physiology, PQ interval prolongation, PQ jump.
  • During the night, when the parasympathetic system dominates
  • the ERP of the fast pathway predominantly lengthens.
  • This increases the likelihood that sinus beats or atrial premature beats
    • "collide" with the ERP of the fast pathway and conduct to the ventricles through the slow pathway,
    • which is observed on the ECG as a longer PQ interval at night (160ms vs. 240ms)

Atrial Fibrillation and RR Interval Duality

  • During atrial fibrillation (AF), impulses are conducted to the AV node irregularly.
    • Every coupling interval is represented because the impulses are irregular.
  • Let's assume that AV nodal duality has the following characteristics:
    • ERP of the fast pathway: 400 ms
    • ERP of the slow pathway: 300 ms
  • Impulses arrive at the AV node irregularly
    • The fast pathway conducts all impulses
      • which are delayed from the previous impulse by more than 400 ms.
    • The slow pathway conducts all impulses
      • which are delayed from the previous impulse by 300-400 ms.
  • All impulses arriving at the AV node with a delay of <300 ms from the previous impulse
    • are blocked because they encounter the ERP of both the fast and slow pathways.
  • The difference in conduction speed between the fast and slow pathways is >50 ms
    • Therefore, during AF, 2 groups of RR intervals will dominate in the presence of AV nodal duality.
    • Longer RR intervals (conducted through the fast pathway, as it has a longer ERP)
    • Shorter RR intervals (conducted through the slow pathway, as it has a shorter ERP)
  • If there are 2 groups of RR intervals on the RR histogram during AF
    • then the patient has AV nodal duality.
RR bimodal histogram, RR interval distribution during atrial fibrillation with AV nodal duality RR unimodal histogram with single fast AV nodal pathway.
The RR histogram displays the frequency (y) and distance between RR intervals (x). In the upper histogram, 2 groups of RR intervals dominate, indicating AV nodal duality during atrial fibrillation. In the lower histogram, 2 groups of RR intervals do not dominate, which does not indicate AV nodal duality during atrial fibrillation.

Slow-Fast AVNRT

  • Slow-Fast AVNRT is the most common type of AVNRT.
    • It constitutes 90% of all AVNRT cases.
  • It is termed as Slow-Fast because the impulse during AVNRT circulates as follows:
    • Anterogradely through the slow pathway
      • After atrial (P) activation, the impulse travels slowly (via the slow pathway) to the ventricles (QRS).
    • Retrogradely through the fast pathway
      • After ventricular (QRS) activation, the impulse travels rapidly (via the fast pathway) to the atria (P wave). This results in a short RP interval.
      • Therefore, Slow-Fast AVNRT is referred to as short RP tachycardia
      • as the RP interval is < than 1/2 of the RR interval.

common slow-fast AVNRT, short RP, start or initiation by PQ jump due to AV nodal duality.
  • In case of AV nodal duality during sinus rhythm:
    • Impulses travel from the SA node to the AV node via the fast pathway.
    • The PQ interval is 0.16s.
  • Atrial extrasystole with a shorter coupling interval than the ERP of the fast pathway
    • Gets blocked in the fast pathway.
    • and the impulse goes to the ventricles via the slow pathway.
    • which is observed on the ECG as a PQ jump (>50ms).
      • PQ 0.16s -> 0.32s
    • The impulse then starts to circulate (if it does not encounter the ERP of the next pathway).
      • During the course of slow-fast AVNRT, P waves are concealed in the QRS complexes.
  • If we observe on ECG Holter an atrial extrasystole,
    • followed by a PQ jump and the occurrence of SVT,
    • then the patient has AV nodal duality manifested as slow-fast AVNRT.

Fast-Slow AVNRT

  • Fast-Slow AVNRT is the second most common type of AVNRT.
    • It constitutes 5-10% of all AVNRT cases.
    • There is also Slow-Slow AVNRT which is very rare.
  • It is termed as Fast-Slow because the impulse during AVNRT circulates as follows:
    • Anterogradely through the fast pathway.
      • After atrial (P) activation, the impulse travels rapidly (via the fast pathway) to the ventricles (QRS).
    • Retrogradely through the slow pathway.
      • After ventricular (QRS) activation, the impulse travels slowly (via the slow pathway) to the atria (P). This results in a long RP interval.
      • Therefore, Fast-Slow AVNRT is termed as long RP tachycardia,
      • as the RP interval is > than 1/2 of the RR interval.

uncommon fast-slow AVNRT, long RP tachycardia, initiation after ventricular premature contraction (VPC).
  • During sinus rhythm in the presence of AV nodal duality:
    • Impulses travel from the SA node to the AV node via the fast pathway.
    • PQ interval is 0.16s.
  • Ventricular extrasystole with a coupling interval shorter than the ERP of the Fast pathway:
    • Is blocked retrogradely in the fast pathway.
    • And the impulse travels to the atria retrogradely via the slow pathway.
    • This is observed on the EKG as a retrograde P wave following the ventricular extrasystole,
    • The impulse then begins to circulate (if it does not encounter the ERP of the next pathway).
  • Fast-slow AVNRT almost always is triggered by a ventricular extrasystole.
    • Because it "encounters" the retrograde ERP of the fast pathway.
      • The fast pathway has a longer ERP than the slow pathway.
    • And the impulse then travels retrogradely via the slow pathway.
  • If we observe a ventricular extrasystole on EKG Holter,
    • followed by a retrograde P wave and SVT,
    • then the patient has AV nodal duality which manifests as fast-slow AVNRT.

Ventricular Extrasystole and Change in PQ Interval

  • Linking is a rare phenomenon where
    • two impulses traveling towards each other "merge".
    • When these impulses "merge," they cancel each other out,
    • because two depolarization waves collide.
  • Linking can unmask AV nodal duality.
  • During sinus rhythm, the impulse travels to the ventricles via the fast pathways,
    • PQ interval is 0.16s.
  • If a specifically timed ventricular extrasystole or extrasystoles occur,
    • where the impulse from the extrasystole enters retrogradely into the fast pathway which
    • partially penetrates it, blocks it, and alters its electrical properties,
    • so that the next impulse conducts slower.
  • The ventricles are subsequently activated from the SA node via the slow pathway,
    • which is observed as a PQ jump from 0.16s to 0.4s.
  • This prolonged PQ interval persists because
    • further during sinus rhythm, two impulses repeatedly meet in the fast pathway (linking phenomenon):
    • 1. wave from the SA node,
    • 2. wave from the AV nodal slow-fast echo:
      • "echo" means something is reflected and returns back.
      • The impulse from the SA node via the slow pathway activates the ventricles (long PQ interval)
      • and simultaneously reflects or turns back,
      • and retrogradely enters the fast pathway, where it collides with the passing impulse from the SA node.
      • This recurring phenomenon is called linking.
AV nodal linking, fast pathway, slow pathway, av nodal duality

ECG AV nodal linking, PQ interval prolongation after PVC
  • On the EKG, there is an AV nodal linking phenomenon, the mechanism of which is described above.

Pseudo-interpolated Ventricular Premature Contraction

  • During sinus rhythm, a ventricular premature contraction occurs,
    • which retrogradely conducts through the fast pathway to the atria,
      • resulting in a retrograde P wave.
    • However, the impulse then reverses direction and passes through the slow pathway,
      • from the atria (retrograde P) to the ventricles (QRS),
      • resulting in a prolonged PQ interval followed by a QRS complex.
  • This phenomenon resembles interpolated ventricular premature contractions,
    • but it is actually a retrograde AV nodal echo.
AV nodal duality, Retrograde AV nodal fast-slow echo
The image depicts a retrograde AV nodal fast-slow echo. The impulse from the ventricular premature contraction (1) retrogradely passes to the atria. It then reverses in the atria and subsequently passes anterogradely through the slow pathway to the ventricles (2). The slow pathway is so slow that the AV node recovers after the preceding depolarization (1).

ECG av nodal duality, pseudo-interpolation of PVC
  • On the image is Pseudo-interpolated Ventricular Premature Contraction, the mechanism is described above.

Double fire

  • It is a rare phenomenon.
  • It is also referred to as:
    • Dual ventricular response
    • Ventricular double firing
    • Dual AV nodal nonreentry tachycardia (DAVNNT)
      • This tachycardia occurs when double fire continuously persists.
  • It is often mistaken for atrial fibrillation.
  • It causes tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy.
  • The definitive treatment is ablation of the slow pathway.
  • Double fire occurs when the patient has:
    • AV nodal duality and
    • A very slow slow pathway.
  • During sinus rhythm, the impulse enters both the fast and slow pathways simultaneously from the SA node:
    • The “fast” impulse travels quickly through the fast pathway and depolarizes the ventricles (1st QRS)
    • The “slow” impulse simultaneously progresses slowly through the slow pathway, which is so slow,
      • that the His-Purkinje system has time to recover after the preceding activation from the fast pathway
      • and the “slow” impulse again depolarizes the ventricles (2nd QRS)
  • On the ECG, we see
    • A sinus P wave followed by 2 QRS complexes (P-QRS-QRS) (P-QRS-QRS)...
    • this cycle can be intermittent, paroxysmal, or even permanent
    • if this phenomenon persist for a longer time (paroxysmal or permanent),
      • it indicates Dual AV nodal nonreentry tachycardia
  • If the fast pathway also conducts retrogradely, it can lead to slow-fast AVNRT.
  • Double fire thus creates terrain for 2 tachycardias:
    • Dual AV nodal nonreentry tachycardia (DAVNNT)
    • AVNRT (Slow-Fast)
    • which can alternate intermittently
      • thus it is often mistakenly taken for atrial fibrillation
double firing, double ventricular response.
In the image is double fire. The condition is a very slow slow pathway. The impulse from the SA node enters both the fast and slow pathways simultaneously. First, it passes through the fast pathway (1), and the fast pathway then has time to recover because the slow pathway is very slow. Then it passes through the slow pathway (2). On the ECG, after one P wave, there are 2 QRS complexes.

ECG dual av node nonreentry tachycardia, DAVNNT, one P wave two QRS complexes.
  • On the ECG is double fire, the mechanism is described above.
  • After each P wave (yellow dots), 2 QRS complexes follow:
    1. QRS complex is from the fast pathway (purple).
    2. QRS complex is from the slow pathway (green).

Reference 1 - Dual AV node

Reference 2 - Dual AV node

Reference 3 - Dual AV node

Reference 4 - Dual AV node

Reference 5 - Dual AV node

Reference 6 - Dual AV node